Tuesday, June 16, 2020

FREE Booklet: 60 Online Homeschooling Resources For Your Homeschool

Hey friends!  Have you been homeschooling during the lockdown and wondering how to add some chutzpah to those daily lessons, without stepping out? Wether you are homeschooling for the long run or for this temporary phase, this list has 60 super interesting websites that you can use to supplement those textbooks and lesson plans for children in different grade levels. Even when, the schools re-open and most of the kids are back in school, this resource can help add some fairy dust to daily learning. Whether it’s mathematics, languages, art, science or social science, there’s something to dip into in this list of “60 Online Homeschooling Resources For Your Homeschool”, that I've curated and put together in PDF format.

Why Online resources? We live in a remote area with no good libraries, workshops and museums around. When I homeschool my son, we often rely on online resources - tools, ideas and games that we can access at the click of a mouse, to add that extra dollop of fun to our learning experience. But now with the lockdown and social distancing, a lot of you, irrespective of your location, are in the same boat as us i.e. cannot access a variety of hands-on learning opportunities. So, I thought of adding to my list of resources and sharing it with anyone, who wishes to use the Internet to gather knowledge and learning.

What’s in this short ebooklet? From websites that you can use to supplement your daily lessons to online resources to add that extra sparkle to your homeschool days, this list has weblinks to fun educational treasure troves. I’ve also added a few blogs by homeschooling moms that you can refer to whenever you have a question, a doubt or just want to soak in some sane homeschooling advice. Towards the end, I’ve shared links to a few Youtube channels by homeschooling moms. 

How can you download it? It’s FREE and you can download it by signing-up for my blog. Pop in your email id in the form and then click on the confirm button when the confirmation email lands up in your inbox:

Get the EBooklet: https://chandanabanerjee.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=0ac0d3bbbf0aeede48719364f&id=4ba793319a

#homeschooling #homeschool #homeschoolduringloackdown #homeschoollife #homeschoolinginindia #homeschoolresources #homeschoolfun #homeschoolwebsites 

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