Monday, March 3, 2014

Good Morning Monday & Hello New Week!

What does Monday morning look like out of your window? Is it pouring golden sunshine through the panes or is it about crisp blue skies with just a hint of white wispy clouds? Is there a chill in the air, fog on the horizon or are you heading towards summer?

In our little corner of the country, the skies are turquoise, the sunshine is like warm honey and Monday is all about scrabbling up to the week, basking in the after-glow of the weekend, waiting for the next. It’s about pulling out the planner and making to-do lists. It’s about trying to strike a balance between writing and work, baby time and books, fresh air and rest.

So, hey, as we move ourselves out of the comfort zone of the weekend and show up for the week that this one will be, it doesn’t hurt to start with a dash of whimsy, a dollop of inspiration and a slant of sunshine.
Today, let’s savor the little things that life serves us up, in style. For starters, the piping hot tea or steaming coffee – rich brown and delicious, just the way we like it in a quirky cup like this one. Help yourselves to a cookie to sweeten the day.

Photo: yonne ellen

As the day rolls on and the week speeds up, let’s not let our self-doubts and that troll, who sits on our shoulder, take away the uniqueness in each of us. Let’s just go ahead and say these three little words –“I am Worthy”.

When the going gets tough, the day piled up with to-do’s, let’s try to make some time for ourselves. Read a chapter from a good book, listen to a favourite soundtrack, cook a nourishing meal, get a massage, head outdoors for fresh air and exercise. If books are your way of tuning into ‘me-time’, here’s one by Jojo Moyes called Me before You that can be a great addition to your reading list. (I finished it last week and was intrigued by the way this love story played out.)

And just before I leave you to it, here’s an illustration may remind you to stop for a minute and smell the flowers. Pearl, the curly-haired girl, who loves the simple things in life. Today, it’s fresh flowers and a tiara of stars that add a sparkle to her day. What’s adding a spot of brightness to yours?

Art by chandana banerjee

See ya soon. Good Morning Monday & Hello New Week!

-          Chandana

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